From week 7-9 room 20 made taco trucks in groups. Me, Kieran and Caroline were in a group together and we made this little taco truck you can see here. This activity was all about learning areas and perimeters. We all learned that perimeters are the outline of an object as areas are the inside of an object. We also learned all about how to measure perimeters and areas in shapes and objects. The thing that I liked the most about the taco trucks was designing the taco trucks logo and colour schemes.
Should children be allowed to vote? Imagine new rules being dropped on you without any preparation and having to go with it until it's changed or replaced? No! Us children need a say and need to be able to vote in the general election. First of all, we’re affected by the government’s choices too! So we should all have a say in all the decisions that only “the adults” can make and that they’re the only ones mature enough to make the decision, but we need our own voices! Because with a little preparation, we can make better assumptions of parties than adults ever could, and this is only a small fragment on why I think that children should be able to vote. Secondly, children can gain all the info they need on the web, and even if they are dyslexic, (you can't read properly) they can still get information from videos and advertisements on Youtube, instead of a website, creating no boundaries on getting information for the general election. Thirdly, children have experience...
My “ I Am” Poem - By Nicholas I am smart and kind I wonder about the meaning of life I hear gunshots and cannons I see avengers tower I wish I had 15 dogs I am smart and kind I pretend to be a veteran from ww2 rebuilt as a robot I feel a ninjas sword I touch a cloud I worry about my family's safety I cry for my dog I am smart and kind I understand we must stay home I say unicorns are not real I dream about becoming a great artist (and demons) I try to be and try my best I hope there isn’t a ww3 I am smart and kind
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