
Showing posts from June, 2020

My science flipgrid

Our taco truck

From week 7-9 room 20 made taco trucks in groups.  Me, Kieran and Caroline were  in a group together and we made this little taco truck you can see here.  This activity was all about learning areas and perimeters.  We all learned that perimeters are the outline of an object as areas are the inside of an object.  We also learned all about how to measure perimeters and areas in shapes and objects. The thing that I liked the most about the taco trucks was designing the taco trucks logo and colour schemes.

My ultimate healthy me explanation

  Why itś important to stay healthy  Do you ever wonder about what would happen to your body if you didn’t take care of it?  You could get many diseases that may lead to your death.  That’s why I'm here, to explain to you why it’s important to stay healthy. Balanced diet Would you rather have fast food or fresh fruit in your meals?  Hopefully you pick fresh fruit because fast food has lots of preservatives.  Preservatives are a chemical put in food to make it last longer without rotting or getting moldy but takes away the nutrients inside of the food.  Fast food and cured meats such as bacon and salami can be high in preservatives and even cause cancer.  Fresh fruits on the other hand have no preservatives, are high in nutrients and taste delicious!  So the next time you’re shopping try to pick up some apples to bring home for a snack or a meal. Personal hygiene Personal hygiene is important because it can increase ...